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Image by Waren Brasse

Kaeng Krachan NP

The Kaengkrachan National Park is located in the Phetchaburi province, about 2:30 hours away from Bangkok. This is probably the site in Thailand with the most variety of species with species only found in the north (except KKC), to species only found in the south (except KKC). Keep in mind that the national park is (in most years) closed from August to November.



Hides Outside the Park

Just outside the Kaengkrachan NP are multiple bird hides owned by local guides, with lots of species such as the Red-legged Crake, Blue Pitta, Grey Peacock-Pheasant, Common Green Magpie, Greater Yellownape and etc. Good hides are "Nuy Hide", "Dab Toon Hide", "Lung Sin Hide" and "Nueng Hide".


Samyod Checkpoint to Baan Krang Campsite

On the road from the "Samyod checkpoint" all the way up to the "Baan Krang campsite", many species of birds can be found such as Greater and Common Flameback, Oriental Pied Hornbill, White-breasted Waterhen, and Black-and-red Broadbill.



1st Stream to Kilometer 18

The road from stream 1 to kilometer 18 is the place where you will find most birds. Many broadbills such as the Dusky Broadbill nest around this area, and birds like Oriental Dwarf, Banded, and Blue-eared Kingfisher are also found. Another star is the Orange-breasted Trogon.


Panoen Thung

The Panoen Thung mountain is where you will find a different type of bird species because of its higher elevation. The highlight here is the Ratchet-tailed Treepie which is often found with Collared Babblers. Others that can be found are Rufous-browed Flycatcher, Eyebrowed Thrush, Great Hornbill, and lots more.

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